Saturday, January 28, 2012

January activities in Spain

We are going to have lovely yellow flowers very soon.

Pea plants

Broad beans.

Earthworms and filthy hands!!

Today 30th January we celebrated Peace Day at school.

We made necklaces with fimo clay and we exchanged them with children from other groups. We also made a piece to form a Peace symbol. Each class made one and later we put them toguether.

We wish everybody peace and love!!


Nelly - Slovenia said...

Here in Slovenia everything is freezing ... but practicly NO SNOW!!! This winter is quite a joker :)

Tea H said...

Lovely artwork and necklaces, Spain! And your climate is so cosy, too. Greetings from frosty Croatia.

Necla Avci Sezen said...

and It is very nice to see flowers and I think I can put the blossom of the trees in this mounth...and blog is going to be change due to the spring...
Spring is coming :)
best regards