Friday, October 14, 2011

October weather activities in Slovenia

Today we spent an exciting time in our school playground. First we connected with the sky and the wind and described what feelings the air around us was filling us with.

Then we observed the wind - its' strenght and direction. We realised it was quite strong - our hair moved quite vividly, as well as the branches of all the trees and tops of pines.

Then we checked the temperature. We had to be careful to keep the termometers in a shadow.

We looked for flowers and found daisies.

Then we went on an animal hunt :)

We heard birds but saw none. In the ground we found firebugs, ants and earwigs.

We observed our clothes and disscussed our activities. When returning to our classroom we worked on making a report. It was fun!! And it is just the beginning ....


Gloria - Spain said...

We love your "instrument" to see the wind direction, have you made it yourselves?

Nelly - Slovenia said...

We adore it to!!! No, it was bought as a weather didactic instrument. Now we hope our schoolkeeper will fix it in the school playground because it is just wonderful to observe it floating in the wind :) Our project rulzzz!

Love to all!