Tuesday, March 27, 2012


March brought us the lovely weather and SPRING!
At the beginning of the month, the days were short and the night would come quickly. This photo was taken on 7th March in the evening in front of our  school when the moon was very big.
When we switched back on Daylight Savings Time, we had longer days.

Our teacher Tea was preparing for the annual eTwinning conference in Berlin so we helped prepare some of the posters and artwork for the exhibition there.

 Besides that, we learned English and played games on interactive whiteboard that we love so much.

On 22nd March we celebrated the World Waters Day and we made a display of important things about water.

Other activities in March involved spring and creating lovely Easter products for sale on Easter fair. This fair is held every year to raise money for the charity.
On the first day of spring we had „Greeting to the spring“ performance in the school garden and then we did workshops and played games. Here are some photos of what we did:

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